Activating a Best Buy credit card is quite simple. However, before you can start the activation process, you must first apply for a My Best Buy credit card at Citibank. Once you register for the Best Buy credit card, you’ll have to wait about a week for it to be approved. Citibank will notify you via email once they’ve approved your request. After that, you can activate the credit card anytime you want. There are three ways to activate the Best Buy card — online, via a phone, or in person. Let’s take a look at how to do each:
Activate the Best Buy Card Online
If you’re tech-savvy, the online activation process is the best option for you. You can activate your Best Buy credit card by going to There, you will have to verify your credit card information by typing in your credit card number, your name, the security code, and the last four digits of your SSN.
Make sure the information you typed in is correct, and click Verify. If the information is correct, the website will take you to a page where you can register and activate your account. Remember the password and email you use, as you will need them to log into your account later on.
Unfortunately, you can only activate your account online if you live in the US. If you live in Canada or Mexico, you can only activate it in person or via a phone, if you don’t live close to a Best Buy.
Activate the Best Buy Card Via a Phone
You might be worried you’ll make a mistake if you try to activate the Best Buy account online by yourself. If that’s the case, your best bet is to activate your account via a phone, with the help of a customer service operator.
You can do so by calling 1 (888) 574-1301 and waiting for the next available operator to answer. Once they do, let them know you would like to activate your Best Buy account.
They will explain the process to you, ask for your information, and fill in the online form for you. However, make sure you call them during working hours — 9 am to 9 pm from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm on Saturdays, and 8 am to 6 pm on Sundays.
Activate the Best Buy Card in Person
If you live near a Best Buy, you can also activate your credit card in person. Tell an employee you want to activate a Best Buy credit card, and they’ll walk you through the whole process.
They’ll first ask you for your credit card information and the last four digits of your social security number. Afterward, they’ll register your account and tell you what the password and username are.
From there, you can simply log into your account and reap all the benefits of the Best Buy credit card by shopping on
In Conclusion
If you live in the US and have basic knowledge of technology, the easiest way to activate the Best Buy card is online. However, if you don’t live in America, activating via a phone or in person are amazing options, as well. Additionally, there’s less risk of making a mistake when activating with the help of a more knowledgeable person.